Beige Floral Elegant Label Design for Lip Balm Tubes, 2.12 x 2 in.

Free Beige Floral Elegant Lip Balm Tube Labels

These pale and blush modern lip balm labels are perfect for any brand or business that wants to add a slightly romantic line of products. Elegant and professional custom labels for your packaging.

Beige Floral Template Info:

  • Size — 2 x 2.12 in.

  • Colors: #F1ECE8, #FFF, #000

  • Fonts: Gilda Display, Roxborough CF


Download free blush floral elegant lip balm labels for free from Canva. The pale blush and ivory colors are complemented by vintage floral outlines.

Each color is fully customizable and the vintage flowers can be edited or removed.

Beige Floral Elegant Label Design for Lip Balm Tubes, 2.12 x 2 in.

Use Canva to completely customize the colors, fonts and layout of the labels for free.


  1. Use the link to go to the Canva design template.

  2. Customize and edit your label.

  3. Copy and paste the label into the template 8387 to print for lip balm tubes.

Once you have completed customizing your lip balm labels, it is time to print. If have any issues with designing on Canva, we also offer a Canva Help Center and Getting Started video specifically for designing labels.

Try Dashleigh’s Waterproof Vinyl Lip Balm Labels

Printing professional cosmetic labels from home as never been easier. With Canva in your design corner, and the vinyl waterproof printable labels - upgrading your business is now effortless.

Lip Balm Tube Sheet Labels

10 Sheets with 120 total labels

  • 10 Sheets

  • 120 total labels

  • Label Size: 2.12 x 2 inches;

  • 12 per page.

Why we Love Canva

*Dashleigh is an affiliate of Canva and receives a small commission for any Canva Pro accounts and trials. While Canva Pro is not needed to design your labels, it provides extra features that keep our day to day running smooth and seamless.

How We Use Canva Pro

Canva is a vital tool and software for the daily tasks at Dashleigh. Of all of the features Canva pro has available we use:

  • social media auto-scheduler

  • background remover for banners and website editorial images

  • image resizer for various social media posts

  • branding kit to keep colors, fonts and assets consistent across the Dashleigh brand

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