Canva + Dashleigh TEmplates
All recommended Dashleigh templates for our printable sheet labels and hang tags are available with the free version of Canva. All that is required is a log-in on first use.
Canva Pro
Dashleigh receives a commission for each sign up both monthly and yearly accounts of Canva Pro through the Canva Pro Affiliate Partner Program.
We love Canva at Dashleigh, and use it to program our social media, design images and create ads.
Why Canva?
Over 18 million users
And growing every day. Join us as we become a household name.
Design anywhere
Available on desktop, mobile (iOS and Android) and iPad.
Endless choice
Millions of photos. Thousands of templates.
Design anything
From video to websites. We’re constantly expanding our offering.
Powerful tools
Users love Canva because we make design easy and fast.
Available in 100+ languages
We’re empowering the world to design.
What does Canva Pro offer?
100+ million stock photos, videos, audio & graphics
610,000+ premium and free templates
Apply your brand’s colors, logo and fonts.
Remove backgrounds easily.
Resize designs infinitely with Magic Resize.
Save designs as templates for your team.
100 GB of cloud storage
Schedule social media content to 8 platforms.